Wednesday, April 4, 2012

What I've been up to...

I've been spending my free time learning to let go. And I don't mean just physical "stuff", but I mean a more thorough person cleansing letting go. When we accumulate "junk" on out insides AND outsides we can get into all kinds of trouble. And I've learned recently that too much physical clutter is the sign of too much clutter inside of ourselves.
I've also been learning more about Prepping, preparing for disaster or misfortune. A lot of people reserve this kind of thinking and preparing for conspiracy theorists and paranoid delusional people. I do not.
Emergencies can pop up at any time, the loss of a job is a scary reality that many have had to face lately, and even if something as overwhelming as one of those two scenarios doesn't happen, there are always the weeks that one might come up short on money or get hit with extra bills. So I see Prepping or being prepared as a safety net, an alternative to getting caught with my pants down so to speak. After all, it IS the Scouts motto, isn't it?

I've also been reading on gardening and considering my yard, we haven't had the money to get started so we will have to buy plants already growing, but we are going to have a garden! We are going to start small with a hanging strawberry patch, a couple container gardens, and my flower garden from last year. But we are headed in the right direction!

We have also been fighting with stomach bugs...yuck! So we are looking at more ways to stay healthy and get into better shape as well. No more catching every bug that crosses our path!

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