The Plan

Small Steps... 
A few years back I ran into a site that facinated me. It was called Path to Freedom and it was the story of the Dervaes Family. They took a very small piece of suburbia and made it into an beautiful urban homestead. I kept going back to visit them and soon became convinced that they were following a dream that was mine as well.

I went through many changes in my life as I watched their dream blossom and flourish. I was not in the position to do much more than watch their example for quite some time. But as time went on I began to see that I needed to take a step out there and begin to make it my reality as well.

I began my journey forward by making small changes. Some were easy, like changing lightbulbs. Others were more difficult, like changing my eating habits. And as more time went on, I continued to fall more in love with the direction that I was headed. I'm excited to share this with you, it is my hope to share the inspiration that brought me to this point today with as many people as possible.

The Plan - A Dream Unfolds...
GOAL - Our own self-reliant Mini-Farm/Homestead
Step One
In Progress! - Document progress on my Blog.
In Progress! - Change to a more natural way of eating, eat organic (non-GMO), eat in season, eat at home, and collect healthy recipes.
In Progress! - Buy produce and fruit from farmers market and local growers. Buy local until I can grow my own.
Find your 
- Begin a small cooking herb container garden. Learn to use the fresh herbs in cooking, learn how to store them for later use, and how to use them in recipes.
- Learn how to preserve herbs, produce, fruits, and meat. Build a pantry.
In Progress!- Buy and study books on Container Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Lasagna Gardening, Companion Gardening, Vertical Gardening, Mini-farming, Edible Landscaping, Emergency Preparedness, Urban Homesteading, Self-help, Alternative Healing, and Self-Sufficiency.
- Buy a Sun Oven and learn to cook and bake in it to save electricity. When using electricity to cook I'll use the Nuwave oven, Nuwave PIC (precision induction cooktop), and the Ninja Cooking System.
In Progress! - Begin practicing inexpensive ways to go Greener in our home and lifestyle to include green cleaning.
In Progress! - Begin getting rid of all unecessary clutter and belongings.

 - Begin saving for our house plans, property, and a truck.

Step Two
- Begin a larger Square Foot garden and plant mini fruit trees and experiment with Vertical and Lasagna Gardening.
- Advance to more serious ways to go Greener.
- Learn and practice candle/soap making skills. Add more homesteading skills as time allows.
- Learn to make personal care items.
- Buy plans for our future home.

- Begin prepping for emergencies.

Step Three
- Purchase land appropriate for my home and begin green construction to include grey water collection, a root cellar, and a small emergency shelter.
- Purchase a truck
- Build a small Barn/Shed for storage

Yes, I realize that there are alot of steps to each step and I haven't listed everything that I will need to accomplish. And I also realize that everything comes together in its time. I have faith that my dream will see reality, and I believe deeply in my ability to live my Dream.